Ervant Nicogosian

6 December 1928 — 26 May 2014

ERVANT NICOGOSIAN – interview realized in 2006 for Revista 22

” The value of Nicogosian’s artwork comes from his power, the same power of a man that stood up with dignity and faith, over the years, both the communist terror and the Gulag’s atrocities, filling with color life sorrows.” Said the great artist and lifetime friend Paul Gherasim, during the vernissage of the important retrospective organized by Senso gallery in 2006. “This kind of exhibit, like the one from Senso Gallery, is meant to crown a lifetime work of this fighter and transform it into a model for all of us”. 

Paul Gherasim, painter

How many paintings did you worked on your entire life?

“I painted quite a lot over three hundred paintings. Some are in Romania in different museums or private collections, other like half of them is abroad.”

Cam câte tablouri ați pictat toată viața?

“Am pictat foarte mult peste trei sute de tablouri. Unele sunt în țară, prin muzee sau colecții particulare, altele, cam jumătate, sunt în străinătate.”

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